The Sweet Collector
Green Sweet Cones - Party Favours - Birthday Sweets - Birthday Sweet Cones - Green Party Decor - Party Supplies - Party Bags - Party Sweets
Green Sweet Cones - Party Favours - Birthday Sweets - Birthday Sweet Cones - Green Party Decor - Party Supplies - Party Bags - Party Sweets
These green loaded sweet cones are perfect for a fun birthday party and green lovers! This listing is for ONE sweet cone, if you require more, please add more to your basket before checking out. Please note these are full sized sweet cones. and are full to the brim with sweets as you can see. These are the perfect sweet treat & a great finishing touch for events and party bags. We could do other colours so please get in touch if you require a specific colour scheme. These would also be great to add into hampers too!
Each cone includes:
- HARIBO Turtles
- Green Sugared Belts
- Green Sugared Giant Marshmallows
- Green Jelly Monsters
- Watermelon Flavoured Bon Bons
Sweet cones are standard 37cm before filled
**Some items may be changed due to stock issues*
These sweet cones are packed by hand and carefully tied by hand with gold ribbon as shown in the photos. Why not celebrate something sweet with these sweet treats to take away once the celebrations are over?!
This box is perfect to be sent directly to the recipient of the gift so please make sure to include their address whilst ordering.
If you have any queries or special requests, don't hesitate to send us a message and we will do what we can.
Green Sweet Cones - Party Favours - Birthday Sweets - Birthday Sweet Cones - Green Party Decor - Party Supplies - Party Bags - Party Sweets
Matched description, came in good time, looks lovely. Great gift. Thank you